Today, we had the
privilege of visiting the USF Tampa campus and speaking with Dr. Steve Sanders, Director of the School of Physical Education & Exercise Science. USF boasts one a few exergaming labs in the state. Dr. Sanders and his staff utilize this state of the art lab for both instructional purposes and research. During our time in Tampa, we were able to not only learn about the various exregaming units, but also play a few of them. Our personal favorites were the exerbike linked to a PS2 motorcross game and the kickboxing game that tested your reaction time and fitness level.
According to Dr. Sanders, their research has shown that behavioral issues decrease when students are using the exergaming equipment. He also noted that they have just recently finished a study at a local elementary school that showed students using the exergaming lab averaged and sustained higher heart rates than their counterparts in a regular physical education classes.
A well-equiped lab runs around $50,000.